Category Archives: DanceMom 101

Real dance moms say “Bring on the glue gun.”


Okay,  I admit it. I watch Dance Moms on Lifetime.  In fact, it’s become a family affair. Every Wednesday, the whole family is plopped on the couch, homework set aside, in order to watch this dysfunctional group of people navigate the crazy world of dance.  But, after being part of dance studio life and competitive dance teams for more than 10 years, we really don’t get some of these people. However, we’ll admit –  some of it almost seems normal. I wonder if we would find it this fascinating if we didn’t have a dancer in our  family. Since the age of three, we’ve done dance.  We’ve known the talent-scout mom, the one who is sure her little darling will be the next Disney star. There’s the mom who dresses the part, at rehearsals or competitions, with high heel wedge shoes, halter top, Miss Me jeans. There are women living vicariously through their daughters, the uber-athlete mom, the groupie mom….all kinds.

Even the normal dance mom. I think that’s me.

It’s one of the reasons I started this blog. For rookie dance moms or experienced dance moms, there IS a way to navigate the madness. If you’re one of those moms who feels overwhelmed when they start talking about how you can easily “stitch this costume or hem the pants,” then you’re on the right blog. I can do crazy things with a glue gun. Sew? Are you kidding me? I don’t know how I passed Home Economics. I’m the one who knows ALL about the shortcuts that do NOT involve a sewing machine. (I love the person who invented that hem tape that you iron into pants – sheer genius).

After all of the crazy things we do to support our children who are on performance dance teams, I’ve figured out a few tips and tricks. Who knew you could do this much with eyelash glue? (pssst – you can make rhinestones stick to your hair part very easily!)

Maybe we watch Dance Moms to validate once a week that at least we we aren’t quite THAT insane. Don’t get me wrong, we’re probably a little crazy. I think you have to be able to roll with a lot of punches to be part of dance.  I’ve made the last-minute trip to get spray paint to hose down jazz shoes the night before recital. I’ve been known to visit Hobby Lobby to buy random feathers to reconstruct the missing part of a costume. It’s really all about tap-dancing your way through one challenge to the next…and having a lot of fun along the way.

I invite you to join us on the journey. After all, recital is only three months away!